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My Name is Alexander Aubel, Mr. Einstein's quote has been a driving force for my entire professional career: The Quest to Understand a process at a level that describing, teaching and working with it just flows out of you like water from a faucet.
In my Short time on this Planet, I have been fortunate enough to help people from all around the world (over 30 Countries and counting) on each of their Individual journeys to maintain a Healthy and Balanced Lifestyle. And Yes, that Definition Can be very WIDE.. But in that time I have come to have an immense appreciation for our Mind/Body capacity to heal itself..
This Journey for Me Started after I had my knee Explode and had to get a Full ACL Reconstruction. A Necessary Perspective and Re-Evaluation:  This Injury, combined with a multitude of contributing factors has led me on the path I am currently on; The business of Combating Aging. To be Honest with you; it is my Obsession. The infinite number of different contributing issues that our bodies can take on and still keep ticking is Astonishing: And I am fortunate to get to Help People from all walks of Life Combat This Process Known as Aging:

"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."

Albert Einstein

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